Growing up as a classically trained ballerina and gymnast, I cultivated a deep understanding of the synergy between movement, breath, and mindful awareness. This background gave me the foundation to fine tune and evolve my focus in finding my identity within the fitness and wellness community. I am certified through YogaWorks to teach Yoga and Barre. And through Yoga Garden SF, I received my certification for Yoga Sculpt. These formats have allowed me to meld all of my past experiences with a newfound excitement, spirit, and creativity. I am passionate and inspiring; with the intention to motivate my students to have fun, grow, and reach their gOn my free time I love exploring my new home Colorado. My favorite kind of gift is experience! My buzz words are quality time with family and friends, Yoga and fitness classes, travel, food, aesthetics, dance, and therapy. I adore my dog, Happy. I believe in a Higher Power, who introduced me to my soulmate at the age of 34.